
DATE: November 23, 2021

START: 11:00

During Międzynarodowe Targi Techniki Pakowania I Opakowań – Warsaw Pack, the 1st edition of the “TRENDS AND INNOVATIONS IN PACKAGING” conference will be held.

The event is free and open to both visitors and exhibitors. The aim of the conference is to promote innovative trends available on the packaging market and to present the most interesting implementations.

Invited experts will present solutions that work well in their daily work. Meeting participants will have the opportunity to discuss and exchange views on the available solutions.

Conference programme

Possibilities of implementing biopolymer films in biodegradable food packaging projects

dr hab. Eng. Agnieszka Cholewa-Wójcik, prof. Cracow University of Economics

Trends in glass packaging and its decoration

dr hab. Eng. Agnieszka Cholewa-Wójcik, prof. Cracow University of Economics

Innovations in packaging on the example of COBRO projects – IBWCH Packaging Research and Development Center

Jacek Frydrych, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibers – COBRO Packaging Research and Development Center

Ecodesign of packaging as a challenge of the modern market

dr inż. Agnieszka Kawecka, Cracow University of Economics

What the packaging industry might look like after a pandemic

Maciej Nałęcz, Analyst of the Department of Strategic Sectors, Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Możliwości rozwoju innowacyjnych firm w kontekście ekspansji na rynki azjatyckie

Edyta Wołczyk, IBS GLOBAL

Packaging certification – new directions

Ewa Kopania, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibers