Polish Chamber of Packaging as the substantive patron of the Fair
We are pleased to announce that the Polish Chamber of Packaging has assumed the substantive patronage of the 6th edition of the Warsaw Pack. This is the next edition of the International Packaging Technology and Packaging Fair, which will be organized by Ptak Warsaw Expo with the support of PIO.
On April 8-10, 2025, the Ptak Warsaw Expo Trade Fair and Congress Center will host representatives of all branches of the packaging industry for the sixth time. Warsaw Pack is a great opportunity to get to know modern packaging machines as well as machines for producing packaging and a wide range of labels and labeling machines. The displayed products will also include: food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and chemical packaging, as well as transport and industrial packaging. The event will be enriched by conferences, competitions and a special zone conducive to business contacts.
The Polish Chamber of Packaging took patronage over the fair, as well as the Innovation Salon. Under the patronage, the Chamber will also act as a co-organizer of the Contest for innovative packaging, organized within the scope of the Salon. By “innovative packaging” we mean packaging, packaging materials, machinery and equipment as well as packaging auxiliaries characterized by new, innovative solutions in terms of materials, technology, structure or functions.
The Chamber is an organization of entrepreneurs’ self-government, which was established in response to the needs of the packaging industry, leading its interests. PIO brings together producers of packaging, packaging materials, machinery and equipment for the packaging industry.
More about the activities of the Polish Chamber of Packaging: http://www.pio.org.pl/index.php/en/